Our Story
I’m Sammy Steen, a 2nd generation Alaskan fisherman based in Meredith, Colorado and Nushagak Point, Alaska . My father John made the pilgrimage to Bristol Bay in 1975, a young man from South Dakota looking for adventure, he found what he was looking for in a small, seasonal fishing community named Nushagak Point. Nushagak became our summer home, returning every year to work in unison with the wind and tides to harvest wild sockeye salmon. Only accessible by boat or bush plane, Nushagak Point is still my summer home to this day. Sitting at the intersection of the Bering Sea and the Wood and Nushagak Rivers, two of the most abundant wild salmon ecosystems in the world, Nushagak Point is our homebase. Our small, plywood cabins with solar panels for power and gravity fed spring water flowing down the hillside act as shelter from the storm as we launch our boats and spend our fishing season ebbing and flowing with the tide in search of the perfect place to set our nets. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to bring these incredible salmon we catch back to the lower 48 -- wild, sustainable, healthy and delicious. I'm so proud to offer this super food to Colorado for you and your family to enjoy.
When we catch the salmon, we remove them from our nets using slides/trampolines to reduce bruising. A crew member bleeds each fish by hand, and then they are placed in iced holds of 33 degree seawater. Our handling practices are designed to preserve our catch's quality and pure nature. Guaranteeing unblemished, rich tasting, firm wild sockeye. Every 10 hours, we offload our fish to a larger tender boats to be whisked away to processing. Once at the processor, it is quickly filleted, flash frozen, and vacuum sealed to capture the "direct from the boat" flavor. We then sell our catch directly to consumers across the country.